Meet the Team
Mrs M. Grealis
Acting Headteacher
Miss J. Trigg
Pastoral Lead
Miss A Buxton-Cook
Early Years Safeguarding
Mr K. Ankers
Acting Deputy Headteacher
Dedication to Safeguarding
Sacred Heart School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, children, and volunteers to share this commitment. It is their right to be safe in school, and it is our duty to ensure this.
At Sacred Heart School, safeguarding is managed in several ways. This includes ensuring the positive behavior of all children, keeping all children safe on the school site, implementing an effective approach to anti-bullying, protecting children online, supporting children to communicate their thoughts through pupil voice, and adhering to all related safeguarding and child protection policies.
Sacred Heart School is dedicated to providing a secure environment for children, where they feel safe and are kept safe. All adults in our school recognize that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, regardless of their role or whether their role involves direct contact with children.
As part of our safeguarding efforts, we work in partnership with colleagues from other agencies. This includes school nursing, social care, community police, children's centers, therapists, pediatricians, and other agencies. Whenever possible, our intention is to consult and work with families to achieve the best outcome for the child. However, there are times when circumstances require the school to take independent action to ensure a child is safeguarded.
The safeguarding team at Sacred Heart School coordinates all our safeguarding work. Please contact us if you need any support or advice.
If a child or young person is at risk of harm, abuse or neglect please report it to the Wirral Integrated Front Door Team: 0151 606 2008 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
Outside of these hours call 0151 677 6557.
In an emergency always dial 999
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass is an initiative that allows police, health, schools and other agencies to share information regarding incidents that may involve violence or aggression at a family home.
Brackenwood Infant School are proud to be part of this important initiative. Details regarding Operation Encompass can be found be selecting the link below.