The Governing Body
Governors Terms of Office
Mr Karl Landrum
Chair: (31/08/24 to 31/08/28)
Foundation Governor
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Danger Lane, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 8UG
Headteacher Governor
Mrs Marie Grealis
Foundation Governors
(Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese)
Karl Landrum
(31/08/2024 to 31/08/28)
Mrs Liz Neale
(01/09/2023 to 31/08/27)
Mrs Kathryn Vernon
(08/03/22 to 31/08/25)
Dr Peter Mullarkey
(11/10/22 to 31/08/26)
LA Governor
Mrs Susan Hughes
(03/04/24 to 02/04/28)
Parent Governor (Elected)
(Parent Governors are appointed by parents in the form of nomination/election)
Mrs Kate Gallagher
(01/02/2023 to 31/01/27)
Mrs Gill Barr
(19/12/23 to 18/12/27)
Clerk to the Governors
Sian Griffiths