School Council
School Council Charities
Last year’s charity events raised a wonderful total of £1051.07 for our chosen charities, meaning each charity received a fantastic £525.53. The charities that were chosen were Mission Together and Guide Dogs.
Numerous fundraising events took place last year that allowed us to make such a generous donation to our charities.
This year, our chosen charities are Zoe’s Place and Water Aid. We have had two fundraisers so far this academic year. One fundraiser was completed by our fantastic Year 6’s where we raised £400.19 and our Christmas Jumper day raised £128.25. A fantastic contribution to our charities.
Our Key Stage 2 Carol Concert raised £114.76.
We will continue to hold fundraisers throughout the academic year to raise money for out chosen charities. The School Council is working hard with some fantastic fundraising ideas mentioned already.